Anupama Written Update 13th September 2021, Paritosh misbehabes with Anuj

Anupama 13 September 2021

The family is not like Anupama and Anuj’s friendship. Anupama’s son Paritosh also does not like his mother’s friendship with Anuj at all. Due to his wrong thinking, Paritosh will create new trouble for the family.

New Delhi. Ever since Anuj Kapadia entered the show, the audience has witnessed tremendous twists and turns. At all, Anuj and Anupama’s friendship is not liked by Vanraj, Bo, Tosho, and Kavya. Everyone is looking at Anupama and Anuj’s relationship in the wrong way. On the other hand, Anuj’s uncle wants Anuj to tell his heart to Anupama.

Anupama doesn’t need any man
Anupama angrily says that she had the idea. So he shared. Suppose you like them then fine. Anupama leaves in anger. Babuji gets sad seeing this. While Kavya tries to fill Bo’s ear, but Bo scolds Kavya only. On the other hand, Kaka Ji tells Anuj to tell Anupama about his heart. Anuj explains to Kaka ji that Anupama does not need any man.

Anuj told his heart to uncle
Kaka tells Anuj that he would have given that rose to Anupama if he didn’t get involved in the college fight that day. Anuj says he wanted to speak his heart, but Devika says his marriage has been fixed. Anuj says that then he also reached there on the day of Anupama’s wedding. He had a smile on his face. She was pleased with her marriage, and her happiness was everything. After which, he went to America. Anuj says that he did not want to come back, so he called his family to America.

Anuj says that Devika used to keep giving the good news of Anuj. After 26 years, luck saw and heard Anupama again. Anuj leaves after speaking his heart. But Kakaji decides that he will keep Anupama as Anuj’s.

Anupama happy to see Nandani Samar together
Nandani and Samar reunite and do it together. Anupama comes to the dance academy and wonders whether Samar would have spoken to Nandani or not. Just then, Anupama sees that Samar and Nandani are swinging with love. Anupama jumps with joy and says that she knew that this fight would not last long. Anupama tells Samar and Nandani to fight, but never doubt. Just then, Samar asks Maa if she had met Anuj Kapadia. As soon as Anupama starts answering, she reaches near him, terrified of Mama.

Anupama fed Anuj food
The cafe lights go out, and it becomes difficult to cook. Anupama brings the food cooked. She tells the chef that she made it on the stove. Anupama gives food to everyone in the dark. She takes food to a table and apologizes. Then she sees that Anuj Kapadia is sitting at the table. Anuj says when the place deal is going on. So he would have to come again and again, wouldn’t he? There is a lot of laughter between Anupama and Anuj. Kavya, Vanraj, Rakhi Dave, and Tosho are shocked to see Anuj and Anupama laughing.

Rakhi Dave taunts Vanraj
Rakhi Dave taunts and says that there is a lot of friendship between the two. Anupama serves food in Anuj Kapadia’s plate. Anuj eats the food and says that he has magic in his hands. Rakhi Dave taunts Vanraj and says that there was a time when this magic was in his life too. Vanraj remembers his old days how Anupama used to serve him food. Rakhi Dave says that Anupama has hit the longhand. Anuj Kapadia can give 40 lakhs even 40 crores.

Vanraj was furious after seeing Anupama happy with Anuj.
Anupama serves food to Anuj Kapadia with love. Anupama tells Anuj to wait for a while as Vanraj and Kavya are about to come. Rakhi Dave asks how far do you think Anuj and Anupama’s relationship will go. Vanraj angrily shouts at Rakhi Dave. Rakhi Dave tells how a man does not like seeing his ex-wife and wife with any other man.

Paritosh misbehaves with Anuj Kapadia
Rakhi Dave comes to Anuj Kapadia and asks did he recognize her. Rakhi Dave tries to remind Anuj Kapadia of where she met him, but Anuj Kapadia cannot remember exactly where he met her. Kavya tells Anuj Kapadia that she is Tosh’s mother-in-law. Then Anuj meets Rakhi. Anuj appreciates the cafe and the food very much. Anuj talks about paying the bill, but Kavya refuses.

Anupama says if Anuj had come home, he would have been our guest, but he would have been a customer if he had come to the cafe. Anuj pays the bill. After visiting the cafe, Anuj asks Anupama to show them his dance academy as well. As Anuj starts moving towards the dance academy, Toshho stops both of them.


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